Woohoo! It's Thursday! I am loving Thursdays now that THAT'S A STEAL THURSDAY is in full swing! We are already at week 3! I can't believe it! My bank account isn't too happy with me lately, but with all the amazing steals everyone has posted on Instagram and here on my blog, I can't help but to open my wallet! Thank goodness paydays are Fridays because I feel so much better about shopping knowing I will get paid the next day! Hehe!
Check out what I found this week!
Yes! A tissue box cover! While a plain, wooden tissue box cover might not seem that great, for a penny it sure does! Don't you agree?! I couldn't believe it when the cashier said it rang in for .01! Instantly and with no filter, I blurt out what all of you are probably thinking..."What?! Wait! Huh?! It costs more to make that! Holy crap!" The cashier must have thought I was totally nuts! Haha!
I can't wait to get this baby decorated for Monday Made It! It is just screaming Mod Podge and Washi tape! Aahhh! So excited! Who wouldn't love a cute, new tissue box cover for their plain tissue box?! Just picture how great it would look on your classroom desk! I am going to go back to Michael's tomorrow to buy the rest of their stock! I see a giveaway in the near future.....
Ok, on to the next steal of the week!
Washi tape is my new obsession! I have loved using it on, well, EVERYTHING! My washi tape obsession has made its way to my iphone charger. Isn't it sooo pretty?! I bought these patterns today at Michael's for 55% off! They are 40% off right now, plus the 15% teacher discount we get! So, for both washi tapes it was $2.49! Woohoo! Be sure to get yourself some new washi tape to personalize your own phone charger! ;-)
Ok, now it is your turn! Link up below with your blog post to share your latest steals! Also, use the hashtag #thatsastealthursday to share on Instagram. I am looking forward to seeing all of the teacher budget bargains!
Lastly, don't forget that Google reader is soon no more! Tear, tear! I know! No worries though because I am loving Bloglovin'; From what I have read all over my newsfeed, most of you are loving it too! Be sure to follow me on Bloglovin' before Google reader ends on July 1st! You can follow me by clicking on the widget on the right sidebar or on the link below!
Thanks everyone for stopping by! Talk to you all soon!